Piso Juan de Borbón 100, que no existe!!!

Sitio web al que denuncia : http://www.habitamos.com/post/21450705/piso_con_2_habitaciones_en_murcia

Contenido de la denuncia : Hola, se trata de una persona al parecer extranjera, que tiene un piso en Murcia, en muy buenas condiciones y tentador a la vista de cualquier cliente. El individuo, se encuentra en Londres por motivos laborales y quiere alquilar ese piso; contacta contigo si ningún problema por correos electrónicos, explicando lo que tienes que hacer para realizar la transferencia de dinero y así él mandar las llaves del piso. Todo perfecto, hasta la hora de pedirle la dirección exacta de ese piso, nombre del edificio, piso, letra… etc. Nunca contestó !

Nombre : Miriam
Correo : No se muestra

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1 comentario

  1. mario

    esta persona pretende estafar diciendo estas cosas aqui se las agrego:
    Dearest Love Mario,
    Thanks for your mail and everything, i was very happy after reading you mail today as you know that i have gone through a lot of problems.I appreciate your interest to assist me transfer my money to your position pending my arrival to meet with you to start a new life. As i told you in my previous mail, i am presently living in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the death of my parents. Things are very difficult here and all my hopes is on you and for you to assist me transfer my $4.7 million dollars deposited by my late father at FIBI Bank BANK to your position so that you can send some money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you. I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,telling them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer $4.7 million dollars deposited by my late father Mr. Samuel Adichy of which i am the next of kin.The contact information of the bank is as follows,

    FIBI Bank Plc

    Email address: (infodptfibi@livesync.com)
    The name of the transfer officer is Dr Ray Paulson
    Telephone number :(0044-703-61906036)
    Fax number 🙁 0044-703-1904588)
    (1) Account name: Mr. Samuel Adichy
    (2) Sort code:40-01-22
    (3) Account number:RIB:61576968
    (4) IBAN ( No. of international Banking) GB91MIDL40012261576968
    (5) BRANCH CODE :00615
    (6) BIC ( Bank identification code ) :MIDLGB2140A


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